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Personalize it
Find the jewelry you like. Choose your style, your metal, your size and make it yours.
All of our pieces are handmade, made to-order. Crafted by our hands, in the studio.
Give Back
10% of all profits will go to new tools :) and to make the world a better place.
How it works
Select your jewelry
Find what you like. Choose your style, your metal, your size and make it yours.
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Explore your piece
How it works
Some of our jewelry can be personalized and be custom made for you. Engrave from coordinates, dates to names
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Make it yours
How it works
Once you place order we will get to work to make your piece. Made by hand in our studio.
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Shop your item
How it works
Ready to Gift
Our jewelry comes in a custom gift-box. No extra wrapping needed
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Build your own piece